(909) 798-5117

Advanced technology to Detect Oral Cancer

Advanced technology to Detect Oral Cancer

VELscope Vx is an advanced technology that is used to detect oral cancer in its early stages. The device uses a blue light to illuminate the oral cavity and pharynx, highlighting any abnormalities in the tissue. These abnormalities can include cancerous or precancerous cells, which may not be visible to the naked eye. By detecting oral cancer at an early stage, VELscope Vx can greatly improve the chances of successful treatment.

The VELscope Vx is an adjunctive device that is used in addition to a clinical examination. It provides dentists with a non-invasive and painless way to detect oral cancer, which is particularly beneficial for patients who may be hesitant to undergo a biopsy. The device is also highly accurate, and it can detect oral cancer even in its earliest stages.

In addition to detecting oral cancer, VELscope Vx can also be used to monitor patients who have a high risk of developing oral cancer, such as those who use tobacco products or have a family history of the disease. This allows dentists to provide prompt care to these patients and reduce the risk of cancer progression.

At our practice, we understand the importance of early detection and prompt care when it comes to oral cancer. That's why we use VELscope Vx as an adjunctive device in our clinical examination. By utilizing this advanced technology, we are able to provide our patients with the best possible care and improve their chances of successful treatment.

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