(909) 798-5117

Sedation Dentistry

Learn About Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry, also known as sleep dentistry or conscious sedation, is a method of calming and relaxing patients who are anxious or afraid of dental procedures. This type of dentistry uses medication to help patients feel more comfortable and at ease during their dental visit.

There are different levels of sedation that can be used depending on the patient's needs and the procedure being performed. The most common forms of sedation used in dentistry are oral sedation, nitrous oxide (laughing gas), and IV sedation.

Oral sedation involves taking a pill before the dental appointment. The pill, usually a form of Valium, will make the patient feel relaxed and drowsy, but they will still be awake and able to respond to the dentist.

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is inhaled through a mask placed over the patient's nose. This type of sedation is mild and allows patients to feel relaxed and calm, but they will still be able to respond to the dentist. The effects of nitrous oxide wear off quickly, so the patient will be able to drive themselves home after the appointment.

IV sedation is administered through a vein and it is considered a moderate form of sedation, which means the patient will be in a state of consciousness but may not remember much of the procedure. This type of sedation is typically used for more complex procedures and the patient will need to have someone to drive them home.

Sedation dentistry is a safe and effective way to help patients overcome their fear of dental procedures. It can also be used to help patients who have a strong gag reflex, difficulty sitting still, or who need to have multiple procedures done in one visit.

It's important to note that sedation dentistry is not the same as general anesthesia, which renders the patient unconscious. The patient remains conscious and able to respond to the dentist during the procedure.

It is important to provide the dentist with a complete medical history before the appointment, including any medication that the patient is currently taking, in order to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the sedation.

In conclusion, Sedation Dentistry is a safe and effective method of calming and relaxing patients who are anxious or afraid of dental procedures. It uses medication to help patients feel more comfortable and at ease during their dental visit. There are different levels of sedation that can be used depending on the patient's needs and the procedure being performed. It is important to provide the dentist with a complete medical history before the appointment to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the sedation. Sedation Dentistry is not the same as general anesthesia, which renders the patient unconscious.

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