(909) 798-5117

Teeth Cleaning?

What takes place during teeth cleaning?

The hygienist is collecting data to monitor the health of your teeth and gums, which helps the doctor with diagnosis and treatment planning. 

Plaque is a sticky substance made of bacteria that builds up on the surface of teeth. If not removed regularly with brushing and flossing, the plaque hardens into tartar. 

Scaling removes the hard layer from the surface, between teeth, and below the gum line. The instruments used are safe and effective and do not harm the tooth itself. In addition, removing tartar will prevent the tooth from decay and bacteria from entering the bloodstream affecting general health. 

A dental tool measures the depth of space between your teeth and gums. Healthy gums should present with shallow areas, but this may not be true when gum disease is present. Diseased gums can shrink, exposing roots and making teeth unstable. 

A gritty paste is used to polish teeth to remove surface stains. Next, teeth are flossed, and voila, all clean!

What can you do between each dental visit?

Daily brushing and flossing will help to reduce the plaque that constantly forms on your teeth.

Here are some tips for good oral care at home.

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day to protect your health. Please make sure you use toothpaste with fluoride every time.
  • Floss daily.
  • Use mouthwash every day to control plaque bacteria, one of the leading causes of bad breath.

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